Secret Songs
Here you’ll find a selection of songs David has written that haven’t (yet) made it onto one of his albums. As a David Gibb Fan Club member you’re the first person ever to hear these songs! David’s written a little about each one below for you read while you listen.
My Cat
I wrote this song about our cat Finnemore who seems to both love and despise us in equal measures. I think that’s definitely a cat thing right? It was recorded in the same sessions as all the songs for my album Rolling Down The Road, but didn’t quite make it onto the final album. I really like the 60’s Beatles feel we went for, with just a dash of Buddy Holly. The lyrics still make me laugh when I think about the ridiculous animal we share our house with!
This was the first song I wrote for my album Rolling Down The Road. I was going through a period where I couldn’t seem to write any decent songs and I was getting very frustrated! It was a big relief to finally come up with something that I was excited about, and from that point on I found my songwriting groove again. As it happens, this one didn’t quite make the cut in the end - I think I was worried there were already too many songs about wheels and transport on the album. I still think it’s really fun - although I still can’t ride a unicycle!
Diggers and Dinosaurs
A while ago a fan asked me to write a song about diggers and dinosaurs, his two favourite things. This was the result, which I think is kind of fun! It hasn’t really fitted on any of the albums I’ve released so far, but hopefully it might be released properly one day. I like to imagine a video where all the dinosaurs and diggers are in shades and big gold chains, dancing in a sandpit.
In My Allotment
This song was inspired when we started growing things in our garden. We don’t actually have an allotment, but we did grow lots and lots of beans and courgettes. I wrote this song on the ukulele and it started off as a kind of 1950s style pop song. It changed a little bit when I started recording it but I quite like how it turned out. Not sure if this one will ever be released but I hope you enjoy it! - and remember, eat those greens!
Chocolate Cake
This one came about when I was playing with some really loud distorted guitar sounds on my laptop. As I was writing the song I just randomly started singing about chocolate cake and this is how it ended up. Hope it doesn’t make you too hungry!